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DanielsDare Page 6

His hands skimmed her sides before grasping her hips. He plunged all the way in with one stroke, and Kaitlyn let out a high moan. Full, so much so that it edged toward pain. In that moment he owned her and love words bubbled on the tip of her tongue. Only clenching her jaw kept them inside. She opened her eyes to find him looking down at her, his face as serious as she’d ever seen it.

  “You okay, baby?” His voice was rough and combined with the ache in her pussy from his invasion, she was ready to claw him.

  She swallowed, her mouth dry. The look he was giving her was making her wetter by the second. The mixture of virile male staking his claim and man concerned about his woman stroked along her senses. How could she not want more of this? How would one night ever be enough? His nostrils flared as he took in another deep breath. Maybe he was more affected than he was letting on.

  “Kait.” His voice was a command she couldn’t ignore.

  “I’m…better than okay.” Her voice was reedy and she knew he was concerned about her body while she was concerned about her heart.

  “Don’t lie. I can wait. I can give you all the time that you need.” The tensing in his grip on her hip told the truth, but she knew that if she asked he’d wait.

  “I—you…you surprised me. It’s been a while for me and…” She let her voice trail off as his jaw firmed. His cock twitched inside her and her breath hitched. The pain was ebbing, pleasure rising to take its place. She forced her body to relax and Daniel reached even deeper inside her.

  “Sorry.” He stopped, pulled in another breath. “I didn’t think.” He began to withdraw and Kaitlyn couldn’t let him.

  “No!” Her hands grasped on to his naked ass, holding him in place. Her hips strained against his grip. “You surprised me, but I want this. You feel so good. Nothing has felt this good in…ever. Please don’t stop.”

  Chapter Five

  He watched her as if he didn’t believe her and Kaitlyn dug her nails into his ass. He flexed beneath her touch and she smiled. His mind might be saying no, but his body was still a yes. She planted her feet and pushed herself up on his erection before sliding down and repeating the motion. Fucking herself on him. She did it again, and again, groaning as the tension mounted.

  “So good.” She rolled her hips and he jerked in her grip. He liked that move so she did it again. There was no way to stop the smug grin that spread across her face and she wanted him to see it. The power of having a man like this at her mercy flooded her, made her bold. He dropped his head forward, avoiding her gaze. She circled her hips and the muscles in his arms tensed. “Are you looking at us, Daniel? Are you watching me fuck you?”

  “What did you just say?”

  “Just going to fuck myself on your hot dick until I come all over you.” She felt foolish saying it, but if it got him to take her hard like she wanted, she’d pull out every porn line she’d ever heard.

  “Kaitlyn?” His gaze finally moved up to hers, and she flushed again.

  “I thought you might like the dirty talk.” She pressed up again, legs shaking. “Do I have to dare you to fuck me? Is that it? Can’t get down to business unless there’s a game on the line, Rich?”

  His eyes narrowed. “I warned you about that.” He leaned down and kissed her hard and quick. “Seems kissing you doesn’t get my point across. Think I have something better instead.” He repositioned his hands, his arms now resting with her knees over the bends of his elbows.

  Kaitlyn went wide eyed at the new position. He looked down and grinned. “Oh yeah. That’s what I’m talking about.”

  He looked in her eyes and thrust home in one hard surge. Kaitlyn grunted at the force of it, and then grunted when he did it again just as fast, just as hard. Her hands grasped at his slick flesh, clutching him with a hunger that should have shocked her.

  He chuckled. “Yeah, you better hold on. It’s definitely going to be a bumpy ride.”

  His hips never faltered and within two thrusts she was climbing the peak. Within three she was so on fire that she couldn’t see straight, but she kept her gaze locked with his. Harder and faster he pumped until Kaitlyn gave up trying to hold on.

  Words poured from her. Pleas, demands she couldn’t hear over the pounding of her heart, the slapping of their flesh. She wasn’t sure which, but she knew they came from her deepest desires. He leaned down and she breathed those words into his mouth. Something she said turned a switch and he began pistoning inside her pussy like a man possessed. His new position held her open and all she could do was lie back and take it as he pounded her into the couch.

  He spoke against her lips, their gazes still locked, and she came, her voice so hoarse she couldn’t even call his name. Wave after wave of pleasure swamped her, and she dug her fingers in tight, as if he were the only thing that could save her. She was nearly blind with pleasure, but she kept her eyes open, hoping Daniel could see and know what he was doing to her. He continued thrusting hard inside her before going stiff, and with a slight cry, coming and filling her with warmth.

  She closed her eyes, not willing to examine how badly she wished she could feel him emptying inside her instead of the condom. He let her legs down and she stifled the protest that sprang to her lips. Was it wrong to want their connection to continue? To want to be special to him? He trailed kisses along her jaw and up to her brow.

  “How we doing, babe?” Same confidence, same Daniel. If she looked at him, he’d have that killer grin going full blast.

  Kaitlyn fought tears. It really wasn’t fair that something he took for granted meant so much to her. She strove for a deep breath, hoping he’d think her shudders were her body calming down instead of the emotional meltdown she sensed coming. She took another breath.

  “So good I left you speechless, huh?” His voice was as gentle as his kiss.

  She smiled and hoped it didn’t look as wobbly as it felt. It was hard to feel down around Daniel, but her heart was breaking. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  It was as if he couldn’t quit kissing her, petting her. “Not nearly as much as you’d think I do.” He leaned back and grabbed her chin. “I want to know what’s going on behind those beautiful eyes of yours.”

  She forced herself to look at him. “I can’t even describe what I’m thinking right now.”

  “Try.” His smile was gentle, but his eyes were intense on hers. Again she felt caught in his gaze, unable to look away.

  “My heart is racing, my mouth is dry, and I seriously doubt I’ll be able to walk tomorrow without squealing. That enough for you?” The words were both true and yet didn’t even scratch the surface of what she felt. Exposed and defenseless, Kaitlyn was sure he’d be able to see the truth in her eyes.

  “It’ll do for now.” Daniel pressed another quick kiss on her mouth and leveraged himself off her. Kaitlyn watched him through slitted eyes as he pulled up his pants and disappeared down the hall. She forced herself to remain motionless. She heard the bathroom door close and then hurriedly crammed her arms back into his sleeves. It was one thing to have nothing else to wear and another thing to just lie around naked. Her panties were thoroughly soaked, but there was no way she was going commando with him nearby. Tears welled and she blinked rapidly. There could be no hint of crying.

  Kaitlyn finger-combed her hair, hoping he’d think any tears in her eyes were caused by detangling the snarls. He returned sooner than she was ready. She felt his gaze, but didn’t look up from her lap.

  “Here.” He passed her a glass of wine, and then sat so close their legs brushed. She tried not to remember the feel of her thighs wrapped around his waist. His hips slapping into hers. How close she’d felt to him when he’d finally come inside her. For a moment she’d forgotten that this wasn’t real, that this wouldn’t move beyond a few sweaty moments that had seemed so worth it not too long ago. She gulped the wine.

  “Slow down, rummy. I’d think after what we’ve done you wouldn’t need liquid courage.”

  His words were soft against her neck and her
eyes fluttered closed. It would be so easy to fall into his way of thinking. That they hadn’t made the biggest mistake.

  She turned and studied him. “You’re the one who had to be talked into it.”

  He snorted. “Not even close. I was ready to do this hours ago. Days ago. Months ago.”

  Kaitlyn gulped down more wine, careful not to meet his eyes. It was in Daniel’s nature to soothe upset women and just the thought of him trying to coddle her in the same way raised her hackles.

  “You know, Rich. It’s all well for you to say that now. Always trying to win the game.”

  He silently studied her. “Truth or dare, Kaitlyn?”

  She bit her lip. If she went with truth, he might ask her what she was really feeling, which could lead to trouble. If she went with dare, he might dare her to blow him at breakfast tomorrow. She grew damp at the thought and shifted on the couch. He was depraved, but not completely without morals. And right now she’d almost rather perform lewd acts for a live studio audience than tell him what was in her heart. “Dare.”

  His eyebrows shot up. She’d surprised him. “You’re sure?”

  No. She nodded. Anything to make him get on with it.

  “I dare you to sleep with me.” Equal parts relief and disappointment flooded her system.

  “Bad news, Rich. I already did.”

  “No.” He removed the wineglass, and Kaitlyn forced herself not to snatch it back. “We made love earlier. Now I dare you to sleep, in my arms, all night.”

  Her heart beat double time. She was already wound up tight and aching with regrets. Spending the night wrapped in his arms was a recipe for disaster. No way she’d get even the tiniest bit of sleep. “That’s ridiculous. I can’t sleep with you all night.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because while this is a fun weekend, it’s work for me. My clients can’t find me all sacked out on the couch, looking like sex and smelling worse.” It was a thin excuse. Wasn’t like she’d be able to drift to sleep with his body pressed close and memories of what they just did even closer.

  “Fair enough, but if I promise to get you up well before, how ’bout it?”

  Dammit. There wasn’t a way out without letting on what she was thinking, and losing their friendship, losing him.

  “You promise to wake me?”

  “Sure. Don’t you trust me?”

  She shook her head. “Not answering that.”

  He gave her a wounded look, but she turned away, intent on escaping to the bathroom for a few minutes.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He used his grip on her wrists to bring her against his body, her back flush with his front.

  “What are you doing?” Her words sounded exasperated, but her stupid heart melted. She wanted to feel special to him, and his embrace accomplished that far better than any words of his ever could.

  “You accepted my dare, and the clock starts now.”

  He sounded smug and she wanted to punch him for it. And why shouldn’t he? This was the everyday for him.

  “Fine. At least let me pull out the bed.” She bent over, realizing her mistake when his semi-hard dick nudged her ass. She froze when he rocked against her, his hands holding her hips in place.

  “Don’t think we need to pull out the couch. We won’t need any more space than what we have here.”

  She stood and his arms banded across her middle. It should be so easy to just melt into his embrace and not think about tomorrow, but Kaitlyn couldn’t turn off her brain. Was this what the other women had felt? The thrill of unbelievably hot sex followed by the ego-crushing knowledge that Daniel would be on to the next girl well before she was ready to let go? “Is sex all you think about?”

  Daniel snorted. “Not the only thing, but if you think any man could concentrate with you practically shoving your ass in his face, you’re more naïve than I thought.”

  He turned her in his arms and forced her chin up with his fingers.

  “Ah, babe, don’t pout.” He backed them up until he reached the couch and had a seat, pulling her on to his lap. She squealed, but he didn’t release her.

  “Lemme go.”

  He slowly shook his head, his expression thoughtful. She frowned at him. “Hmm, you’re pouty and frowny. Clearly you need more of me to make you happy.”

  She evaded his incoming kiss, which made him frown. “Now you’re frowning.”

  “I think I need more of you to make me happy.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Daniel, what I really need more of is sleep. It’s,” she made a production of looking at her reindeer clock over the mantle, “two o’clock in the morning. I have to be up in four hours to start breakfast. Let’s just get some sleep.”

  “Why so much time if breakfast is later?” Even his suspicious face was cute. Kaitlyn sighed.

  “Because the cinnamon rolls and quiches won’t magically bake themselves. Then there are eggs, pancakes and bacon to get going as well. And after the near miss with the fruit this morning, I’ll be doing it all fresh tomorrow.”

  Daniel shook his head. “Nobody cared that the strawberries were a little soft. Made them even better over the waffles, but fine. How ’bout we sleep for five hours and I help you with breakfast? You’re one of the few people I know who hasn’t had my breakfast. I cook like you wouldn’t believe.”

  Kaitlyn substituted “women” for “people”. It was nice of him to spend the night, and she supposed he’d need his protein up so he could run away from them the next morning. There was no reason to believe she’d be any different. She lowered her gaze. “Let’s just get some sleep.”

  Again she felt his gaze on her, but didn’t look up. He rocked her gently. “We good, Kait?”

  “Yeah, we’re good.” She allowed a tiny smile, hoping he wouldn’t see the sadness around the edges. “I’m just really sleepy. Like maybe I did something that wore me out.” She looked at him from beneath her lashes.

  Daniel wasn’t buying it, but he wasn’t pushing either. “Kiss me good night and consider it done.”

  Kaitlyn grabbed his chin and laid one on him. She was going for hard and fast, but he surprised her. Gentling the kiss, slowing it down until it was only the barest of movements. Making her want the night to stretch on endlessly so she could store up the memories for when he left her brokenhearted. He pulled back before she could process all that had happened.

  “That’s much better.” He kissed her brow and then scooted to lie along the back of the couch. Kaitlyn slid in next to him, her back against his front, her head pillowed on his arm. She allowed Daniel to cover them both, and to tuck her even more securely against him. It was amazing to feel the heat of him surround her, when the thought of what they had done chilled her heart.

  Daniel forced his body to relax, though his mind was whirling. Something was up with Kaitlyn. She might have thought she had him snowed, but there was a reason she didn’t play poker. She couldn’t bluff to save her life.

  He’d felt her withdraw after she came the first time, but had thought that the second time, which was so much deeper, would have convinced her. She lay against him, her muscles much more tense than a sleeping woman’s ought to be. He snuggled her closer, allowing his nose to burrow in her hair.

  He loved how wild it was, how it made her look so fragile and yet so sexy—she looked like some sort of nymph and…and he had it bad. If Deon could see him now, he’d call him a wuss and be right. Daniel was beyond wussyhood, but it didn’t matter. Kaitlyn was amazing. Like I’ll stand outside the stall holding your purse while you try on every damn thing in the store but buy nothing amazing.

  It might have taken him too long to make a move, but he wasn’t an idiot. Kaitlyn was going to try to find a way to dismiss what they’d done but she couldn’t fake that kind of reaction. A girl hadn’t faked it with him since he was fifteen and Missy Carnover had thought she had to. A week later, he’d given her her first orgasm and he’d never looked back.

  He knew women, and Kaitlyn ha
d been genuine. The sweat, the heart racing, the tiny whimper she made when she had officially lost control. Daniel had only thought he was prepared for Kaitlyn. The sight of her coming undone from what he had done to her had shaken him more than he thought possible. He pressed his lips to her exposed nape. In sleep she was his the way he could only long for when they were awake.

  Slowly her body relaxed into his and he snuggled her closer, keeping his hand cupped over her breast. Over her heart. Her nipple peaked in his hand. At least her body liked and understood him. His cock hardened and her body seemed to heat even more against him. If nothing else, Kaitlyn would have to admit they had chemistry and truthfully, he’d worked with less.

  His mind conjured images of taking her from behind while she was all drowsy and sleep warm. He edged his leg between hers, wishing he was no longer wearing his pants and could feel her. She remained boneless against him and he grew bolder. Slowly he let his hand drift down her front and inched between her legs. He cupped her against him, growing even harder at the heat and dampness of her.

  She shifted, instinctively pushing against the hand that cupped her sex, and Daniel closed his eyes for strength. He pressed slightly, slid his finger inside, and allowed himself a single stroke before pulling out.

  Daniel brought his finger to his mouth and his cock twitched. Nothing had ever tasted as good as Kaitlyn. He stifled his groan against her ear, his leg sliding up until it was pressed against her core. Her juices painted his thigh but Daniel didn’t care. He’d gladly coat himself in her essence if it meant he could get closer to her.

  He pressed a closed-mouth kiss against the back of her neck, still telling himself this was innocent and wouldn’t lead anywhere, until Kaitlyn arched into his kiss. His grip on her breast tightened and more warmth rushed from her pussy to his leg. Even half asleep she wanted him.

  “Daniel?” Her voice was deeper than usual and heavy with arousal, and his name on her lips pushed him to the breaking point. His hand eased down and slid back inside her panties, seeking her warmth.