DanielsDare Read online

Page 5

  “Dammit, woman.” He pulled her firmly into his lap, and then before Kaitlyn could scream, he had her flat on her back, his cock hard and persistent against her. She froze.

  “You listen to me.” His nose nearly touched hers. “I didn’t lie to you. I broke up with Sarah because I knew it wasn’t going anywhere. She wasn’t you. Worse, she knew it wasn’t going anywhere because she wasn’t you. I was sick over you and I dragged that poor girl through the ringer because of it. So don’t you dare call me a liar.”

  Kaitlyn opened her mouth, but snapped it closed when his eyes narrowed. He shifted against her and she moaned. “Still don’t believe me, do you?”

  “Daniel…” He looked as if he wanted to throttle her, but that would be impossible since he still held her wrists pinned above her head. His weight settled against her and she whimpered. He could do whatever he wanted to her in this moment, and there was nothing she could do but take it. It should have pissed her off, but she grew even wetter. Daniel might not love her, or even like her at the moment, but he wanted her. Maybe that was enough.

  “I want my agreed-upon dare.”

  She swallowed. This was not going as planned. “Daniel, can we talk about this a bit more?”

  His body settled more fully into hers and she barely resisted the sigh that bubbled up. He was watching her closely, too closely for her sanity. If he had any idea how good it felt right now, it would be over before she could even think to fight for her self-respect.

  “I think talking just gets us into trouble.” He rocked his hips and her eyes fluttered closed. She tried for a deep breath, but all she pulled in was his scent.

  “This is really, really not smart.”

  He grinned and ducked his head, his words a hot whisper against her jaw.

  “Your thinking thus far? What’s that gotten us? You’ve kicked me, punched me, insulted me, bit me, insulted me again, called me a liar, gotten me so hot I can hardly utter a coherent sentence, and oh yea, insulted me again.”

  Kaitlyn chose to ignore the hot comment. He was baiting her and it wasn’t fair. It was worse than the worst thing she’d ever done to him. Her hands ached to grab on to his shoulders, which neatly blocked out the light. She tugged against his hold. “Daniel.”

  “You quitting on me now? Do I get to call you names?” His voice was lethal.

  “I really don’t…” Her train of thought trailed off when his mouth pressed down on hers. She expected a Daniel full-court press, had been prepared to fight it off, but this, this gentle pressure was more than she could stand. A tear slipped through her lashes. He was tearing down her defenses, one small kiss at a time.

  His lips, those same lips that taunted her, that spewed guttural language when it was called for, that could talk people into giving away millions of dollars at a time, those lips were so soft against hers, as if he were testing. A shift and then the sweeps turned to nibbles and Kaitlyn gasped. Again he surprised her by nipping at her lips, but not delving inside.

  She grasped his jaw and forced his mouth to stay firmly on hers. His laughter rumbled against her chest, and she shamelessly rolled against his cock.

  “Was there something you wanted, Kait?”

  He pressed kisses around her mouth and she groaned. “Please, Daniel. Just kiss me. No words, just your mouth.”

  Silence, and she wished she could see his eyes more clearly in the flickering light. Then he was right where she wanted him. His tongue slid into her mouth and she went into meltdown. Damn he could kiss. He seemed content to stay at her mouth, eating her, gobbling her up until all she could think of was what he might do next. He released her arms and her hands immediately tugged on his hair.

  His eyes were more slumberous than she’d ever seen them and the way he looked at her made her want to do anything he asked. “Look at you. Most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”

  She closed her eyes and let out a quivery breath. They were heading toward something bigger and scarier than she was ready for. Kaitlyn was already changed by his kiss, would she be able to recover if they moved forward? Could she get naked with him, not just with her body, but also with her heart? His hand cupped her face and she leaned into the touch, lost to the sensation as his lips again met hers.

  “Daniel.” She turned her head to the side, away from the firelight where he might read her emotions. She tried one last time to pull things back to normal. “What was your dare?”

  He kissed her cheekbone, her brow, the hollow beneath her ear. “I wanted this. I wanted you. I wanted you to just give me a chance to show you that this could work. That I could make this good for both of us.”

  Kaitlyn faced him, wondering what he saw. His smile was a touch tighter than it should have been after kissing her senseless. Almost as if he was worried about her answer.


  His finger pressed her lips closed.

  She had the craziest urge to lick him.

  “Don’t. Don’t say it’s a bad idea or we shouldn’t. Just think for a moment, truly think. And if you can’t do it, or won’t do it, just say no. But don’t give me this shouldn’t, bad idea bullshit. Claim it. I want you. Do. You. Want. Me?”

  Kaitlyn closed her eyes. This was going fast, and she needed to think. But all she could do was feel. Feel his body between her splayed thighs, feel the heat coursing through her veins, feel her nipples on the rough flannel. Kaitlyn shifted and pressed against him. God how she wanted this. She’d been a pretty good girl, why shouldn’t she get what she wanted for Christmas? Even if it was only for the night? A quick screw between friends so she could get it out of her system. Friends. She shook her head. Was she really going to go through with this?

  “So that’s it, huh? Not going to say anything else?”

  She opened her eyes to find his face hard, as if carved from stone. She opened her mouth but he cut her off.

  “Save it. I said I’d honor your wishes and I will.” He shifted as if to leave and Kaitlyn did the only thing she could think of. She locked her legs around his narrow waist and hung on.

  “You sure do jump to a lot of conclusions.”

  His face was turned from her, his weight braced on his forearms.

  “We look completely ridiculous with me hanging off you like a barnacle.” She waited, but got no further response than that jaw muscle ticking. “Look at me,” she whispered.

  He took his time looking from the fire to her. She prayed he saw enough to indulge her, but not enough to truly strip her bare.

  “You don’t seem to be able to hear me, but maybe you can see me.” Breathing deeply, she reached for the first banana button and slid it free. As he watched in silence, she undid all the buttons, but left the halves of the shirt nearly touching—bravado only took a girl so far.

  His eyes remained focused on her revealed bellybutton as if mesmerized.

  “You’re killing me here, Rich.”

  His gaze bounded back to hers, that cocky grin she loved peeking out. “What did I tell you about calling me Rich?”

  She smiled and stretched a bit, allowing the shirt to part. “Well, Rich, I know what you said, but I think you might be all talk.”

  His eyes searched hers. “You won’t be sorry about this.”

  His big hand edged one side of the shirt, his finger tracing circles around her bellybutton. Not for the first time she wished she was thinner, prettier, or hell, not wearing…

  “Hello Kitty panties?” He smiled and Kaitlyn smacked him.

  “Shuddaup!” She tugged on the ends of the shirt to cover her shame.

  “Oh now, don’t be hiding it. I think it’s sexy.”

  “You’re depraved. Only you would think that Hello Kitty panties are sexy.”

  He wrestled her wrists and then pinned them with one hand over her head.

  “I’m sure I’m not the only one that finds Hello Kitty panties sexy. I didn’t single-handedly start all those Hentai sites. And it’s not the panties so much as it is what they are hiding.”
  Kaitlyn jerked against his hold, but she didn’t really want to get away. She widened her legs. Less talking, more touching. His eyes crinkled at her.

  “You all right there, babe?”

  She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. She might start blubbering and beg him to take her.

  “’Cause I was looking at something fine just a moment ago and was brutally interrupted.” His hand traveled down her stomach to the edge of her panties. He traced the edge. “There was a time I thought we’d never get here. And now you’re right here and I don’t want to mess this up. We’ll only have one first time.”

  Kaitlyn chose not to tell him this would be the only time. She couldn’t afford anything more. She cleared her throat. “If you don’t hurry up, I’m going to fall asleep.”

  “Hmmm, we can’t have that.” His face still held a playful grin, but there was nothing playful about the way his fingers were stroking her. She forced herself to stay still and not press into his fingers. Her clit throbbed for attention, but if it was going to be just once, she didn’t want it over too soon.

  “Kaitlyn, you’re so hot. You’re burning my fingers.” He stopped stroking and pressed hard. She gasped, and he held there, watching his fingers for several moments before looking into her eyes. “I hope to hell you’re ready, because I’m about to explode just touching you this much.”

  She lifted her hips, eyes nearly crossing at the pleasure. The shirt slid farther and her nipples peaked in the cool air. She felt his gaze like a brand, and shifted shamelessly, hoping to entice him to action.

  He cursed and then his mouth latched on to hers. Kissing, nibbling, giving her those same drugging kisses that had started them down this path. His hands squeezed her breasts, pinching her nipples to just this side of pain. She tugged to get her hands free and latched on to him as soon he let go. His muscles bunched beneath her hands and she dug in until her fingers ached.

  He surged against her and she moaned into his mouth. She thrust her tongue inside, tracing the ridges of his teeth. Daniel didn’t stay passive for long and their tongues dueled hard enough to make her jaw ache, but she didn’t slow down. She was burning from the inside and needed more.

  He left her mouth, biting the corner of her lip on his way to her throat. Kaitlyn arched, giving him access for anything he wanted to do—she would deny him nothing. Her hands roamed hot skin, circling, before reaching down to cup his butt. Kaitlyn tugged him into her, throwing her thighs as wide as the couch would allow. She was desperate to feel him against her.

  “Oh God, you’re so hot.” His words slid over her skin and he kissed his way to her aching breasts. His breath teased her tortured flesh. Her nipples pebbled further under his watchful gaze.

  “Touch me.” She barely recognized her own voice, but if it got him to move, she’d talk all night. His hot, hard hands closed over her breasts, squeezing, massaging, pushing them together and holding them for several tense moments before releasing and doing it all over again. She lost track of time, her entire being focused on what he was doing to her. It was pleasure and pain all at the same time. She called his name, and damn who heard her.

  Her hips lifted and undulated against him, riding his cock in a rhythm guaranteed to get her off. She could feel how wet she was, knew she was leaving a damp spot on his pants, but didn’t care. Her hips moved faster and yet it wasn’t enough.

  His hands clutched her hips and pressed them flat into the couch. Kaitlyn’s eyes flew open. “Why did you stop?”

  “Because it’s not a race, baby. You feel so damn good, and I’ve waited too long to come in my pants like some teenaged boy.”

  Kaitlyn grasped his cock and squeezed. “I want this. I want you.”

  The words felt as if they belonged to another woman, but then so did the desire that filled her at being pinned down. God, she must be the horniest woman on the planet.

  “Hurry. I can’t wait.”

  The wattage of his smile could have powered the cabin for the next three months. “That’s what every man wants to hear. A beautiful woman begging.” Every word was punctuated by a kiss. He rose on his knees and pushed his pants and boxers down while Kaitlyn looked her fill. For once it wouldn’t matter that she couldn’t keep her eyes in the Friend Zone.

  If she thought him impressive shirtless, completely naked was even better. His powerful thighs framed his massive erection, and her inner muscles clenched at the thought of having all of that inside her. It was no wonder he kept all the girls on a string.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, I’m going to come right now. And I don’t want that.”

  She didn’t want it either, but the image of him jerking off on her skin, the come practically sizzling as it landed on her body, made her even hotter. Moisture dribbled into her crack and she squirmed, both liking and hating the sensation. Kaitlyn raised enough to slide her panties down her legs and toss them behind Daniel.

  He bent, traced his fingers through her wetness and then slid a finger inside. “Never thought we’d get here, but damn I’m glad I was wrong.”

  Her eyes slid shut, heightening the feel of that big finger thrusting slowly in and out. She began to pant. “More.”

  He laughed and a second finger joined the first. His thumb stroked over her clit and she jerked upright, eyes flying open. “That’s better. Look at me, baby. See who’s making you feel this good.”

  Her eyes fluttered and he slowed his motions. She fought her eyes back open and he pumped his fingers harder, digging in. She moaned. Her skin was too tight to contain this feeling, but nothing could stop the passion rolling through her. She wound tighter, biting her lip, wanting to come more than she wanted her next breath. His fingers slowed and she jerked her eyes open again.

  “I could do this all night.”

  She shook her head wildly. “I…won’t make it. Will die. Please!”

  “So pretty when you beg.” His fingers moved faster and she whimpered, but kept her eyes focused. Her nails clutched his arm, holding him in place as her hips rocked into his touch. “You smell so good. I want to taste you, but I want to see you when you come. I bet it’s the most beautiful thing in the world.”

  “You’re…you’re the most beautiful.” The last word cracked and a third finger joined the other two. She felt full, and yet empty.

  “Give me what I want, so I can give you what you need.”

  She nodded frantically, tears pricking the back of her eyes. “Anything.”

  “Say my name.”

  “Daniel.” It was both a curse and a prayer. His thumb swirled over her clit, his fingers diving deeper. She held her breath and widened her eyes. There would be nothing to rob her of this pleasure that was threatening to steal her every thought. Each touch wound her tighter and tighter until she wanted to scream.

  Daniel never stopped, his hands stroking her as she strained to keep her eyes open. He brushed the barest of kisses against her lips and she flew apart, whispering his name into his mouth as she came.

  Spent, she relaxed into the cushions, her chest billowing. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears, and she could feel the sweat cooling on her skin. She closed her eyes and a few tears spilled over. It was the most intense orgasm of her life, and she had no doubt it was due to their eye contact. She would have hidden from him if she could have, and he’d known that. Known it and made it impossible for her to do so. She could almost hate him for that, but when it made her feel like this, how could she?

  “Are you okay, baby?” His voice was as gentle as the fingers that continued to stroke her. It wasn’t enough to send her over, but it spurred on enough aftershocks that she knew it wouldn’t be long before she would want more.

  “Give me a minute.” Her voice sounded breathier than she’d ever heard it.

  Her eyes opened as she felt his tongue stroke from her bellybutton to the valley between her breasts. He leaned over her, skin to skin, his cock practically branding her thigh. He felt good, right. Just like she had always i
magined, but without any love between them. She was in trouble. Lust was good, but what would she have after the sweat dried on their bodies? He placed his head on her chest, his mouth breathing hot puffs against her neck.

  She should feel ridiculous lying with her Daniel-skinned blanket, but it felt better than anything that had happened to her in years. Maybe ever. She knew he could feel the racing of her heart, felt his concern in the tightening of his hand over her breast. She stretched.

  “Better now?” His low tone sent goose bumps in its wake.

  “Anxious to get on to something?”

  He laughed, kissed the side of one puckered nipple. “You could definitely say that. I was right, you know.”

  “Hmmm?” She allowed her fingers to comb through his hair, so much softer than she thought it’d be. Daniel looked up at her, and Kaitlyn loved the look of him. His face was flushed, his hair sticking up on end now, and that killer grin that made her want to do all sorts of stupid things. Like tell him she loved him. Her stomach clenched. Worst idea of the night.

  “You getting off was one of the most beautiful things in the world. Certainly the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  That damnable blush renewed the heat in her face. She must look like a madwoman, strawberry faced with her hair sticking up. “Apparently you get hard for swamp creatures.”

  He bit the side of her breast and she jerked. “What did I tell you about saying bad things about my friends?”

  Daniel slid up her body, his mouth hovering right over hers while his hands grappled with the condom he retrieved from under the cushion. Her ego took a hit that he would think her so easy, but her hurt melted at his next words.

  “You were perfect. So open, so free.” He licked her lip, which Kaitlyn found both odd and arousing. “I want to do it again.”

  Daniel’s mouth crushed hers, all of his earlier gentleness gone. This was a man on a mission, one who knew what he wanted. His tongue ruthlessly invaded her mouth, and Kaitlyn went limp beneath him. She couldn’t fight him, didn’t want to.